Super Cyclone Remal: Potentially Reaching Speeds of 135 km/h

Cyclone Remal is expected to reach the coast of Bangladesh at high speeds. Mohibbur Rahman, the State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief, indicated that landslides might affect 18 districts, including 13 near the coastline.


The State Minister delivered this information at a briefing on the latest developments about Cyclone Remal on Saturday night, May 25.

He warned that Cyclone Remal is predicted to hit the shore on Sunday early, May 26. Wind speeds throughout the cyclone's passage are expected to range from 110 to 120 km/h, with gusts up to 135 km/h. 

The state minister further stated that Remal may cross the shore by Sunday evening. At this moment, the coast may be swamped by 8 to 10 feet of tide. In this circumstance, plans are being prepared to issue Emergency Signal No. 10 on Sunday morning.

According to the Abahawar Special Message (No. 8), the sustained maximum wind speed within 54 kilometers of Cyclone Remal's center is 62 km/h, increasing to 88 km/h in gusts or gale conditions. The sea is significantly choppy around the cyclone's core.

In response to Cyclone Remal, Mongla and Payra seaports have been ordered to display danger signal number 7, while Chittagong and Cox's Bazar seaports have been instructed to display danger signal number 6.

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